
enthusiasm postitive Dec 18, 2019

I've been reading a book by Norman Vincent Peale called The Power of the Plus Factor - it's excellent!!  One part I read a while back talked about Enthusiasm - so today I want to share a part of that with you. 

If you're anything like me - you may struggle at keeping that level of Enthusiasm on the higher end at times.  Let's be honest, there are days when you wake up and lay there, not overly excited about what you need to do that day - you lack enthusiasm.  So, what are some ways to keep your levels 'up there' - so you can tackle what the day may bring with excitement and vigour.

I'm just going to share this straight from the book - reminder, credit goes to Norman Vincent Peale - written in 1952 - hence some of the wording.  Published by Simon and Schuster 

A few ways that enthusiasm may be developed and increased.   

1. Employ the as-if principle; act "as if" you had enthusiasm and it will tend to develop...


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